

books.rakuten.co.jp この本には目先のお金を増やす方法ではなく、一生を通しての資産形成をする上でのマインドセットと幸せとは何かが書かれている。 第1章 7つの道具 その1 「収入の10分の1を貯金せよ」 収入の9割しか使えないお金と捉えれば生活レベ…

JUnit in Action, Third Edition Chapter 5 Software testing principles, Chapter 6 Test quality

learning.oreilly.com 5 Software testing principles 5.1.3 Detecting regressions and limiting debugging A passing unit test suite confirms that your code works and gives you the confidence to modify your existing code, either for refactoring…

Java Performance 2nd Edition, Chapter 5, 6 Garbage Collection

Chapter 5. An Introduction to Garbage Collection the GC algorithm scans all objects that are reachable via one of the root objects. Objects that are reachable via a GC root are live objects; the remaining unreachable objects are garbage 引…

Java Performance, 2nd Edition by Scott Oaks ch7 heap memory, ch8 native memory

Chapter 7. Heap Memory Best Practices We have two conflicting goals here. The first general rule is to create objects sparingly and to discard them as quickly as possible. Using less memory is the best way to improve the efficiency of the …

Systems Performance 2nd Edition By Brendan Gregg Chapter 3 and 5

chapter 3 Operating System 3.2.1 Kernel Unix-like operating systems including Linux and BSD have a monolithic kernel that manages CPU scheduling, memory, file systems, network protocols, and system devices KernelはCPU, memory, file system…